Entrepreneurship Wellness: Breathe Well, Move Well

“By changing nothing, nothing changes!”  This quote inspired us, a couple of entrepreneurs, to deliver a wellness webinar focusing on the powerful benefits of breathwork and movement. 

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the profound impact that simple habits like breathwork, stretching and movement can have on our overall well-being. Integrating these practices into your daily routine may seem small, but over time their benefits can be profound.

By listening to this short 47-minute webinar, you will explore and practice key actions demonstrating how a little goes a long way!  Learn and FEEL how dedicating a little time each day to these transformative activities can contribute to a longer, healthier life. 

Watch the full session and read on to learn more from our GRWE (Get Ready With Entrepreneurs) guest speakers, Renee Durepos - Be Strong Fitness & Manjit Hansa - RX forRenewal

The Transformative Duo: Breathwork and Movement

Breathwork: The Silent Healer

While often overlooked, the way we breathe profoundly influences our physical and mental well-being. There are several types of Breathwork and this webinar demonstrates two types: functional and regulating types, both offering unique advantages.

  • Functional breathwork, such as diaphragmatic breathing, enhances lung capacity and oxygenates the body, promoting optimal organ and tissue function.

  • Regulating breath work, including techniques like deep breathing exercises, helps manage stress and reduce inflammation. Chronic stress has been linked to various health issues, from heart disease to premature aging. By incorporating regular breath work into your daily routine, you create a powerful tool to help manage stress.

Stretching Movement: The Key to a Functional Body

Physical activity is a cornerstone of a healthy life. Regular consistent movement contributes to cardiovascular health, improved mood, and enhanced cognitive function. To offset the negative effects of prolonged sitting that most people are subject to, this webinar demonstrates fifteen different stretches that you can incorporate easily and consistently while sitting at your desk.  The result; an guaranteed energy booster and an investment in your longevity.

Functional movement, focusing on exercises that mimic everyday activities, is particularly beneficial. It enhances your body's ability to perform daily tasks with ease, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. By integrating movement into your routine, you're not just exercising; you're fostering a functional, resilient body that can stand the test of time.

Scientific Support: Adding Years to Your Life

Numerous scientific studies support the idea that daily movement and breathwork contribute to a longer, healthier life. Regular physical activity has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Moreover, the positive impact of exercise on mental health is well-documented, with decreased rates of depression and anxiety among those who engage in regular physical activity.  Deep breathing, on the other hand, has been shown to activate the body's relaxation response, reducing stress hormones, and promoting a state of calm. The combination of reduced stress and increased physical activity creates a synergistic effect that contributes not only to increased life expectancy but also to a higher quality of life.

Building Habits: Small Steps, Big Results

The key to reaping the benefits of breathing, stretching, and movement lies in consistency. Building these activities into your daily routine doesn't require complicated breathwork routines or hours at the gym. A few minutes each day makes a significant difference over time and builds habits to boost flexibility, functional strength, and mental resilience.

Key takeaways from the "Breathe Well, Move Well" webinar emphasize practicing consistency over quantity. Break large wellness goals into daily chunks, using cues like alarms to remind you to move and breathe. Expert-approved apps serve as valuable tools, guiding you seamlessly through your journey to a healthier, more vibrant life.

By changing a little, changes everything!

In conclusion, the transformative trio of breathwork and stretching movement holds the power to add not just years to your life, but life to your years. By making these practices a daily habit, you're investing in a future of increased flexibility, functional strength, and mental resilience. It's a small commitment with profound long-term benefits – a testament to the idea that a little goes a long way when it comes to your health and well-being.

Guest Authors:

Renee Durepos

Owner, and founder of Be Strong Fitness has been driven by passion all her life. She left a 20-year corporate life career to start a fitness boutique whose purpose is to help women achieve an elevated level of mental strength and physical endurance, thus improving their overall quality of life. Her motto is ‘be fit. be happy. be you. be STRONG.’ She lives-on in every fitness class she energetically instructs, inspiring and supporting women to believe in themselves, know their worth and stand their ground.

Manjit Hansra

Founder of Rx for Renewal, a company dedicated to helping corporations and individuals manage burnout by improving the fundamentals of their breathing, mindset, and sleep. He is a Certified Breathwork Facilitator and Heartmath Clinician. His mission is to help others through experiential learning and self-reflection to become the best version of themselves.


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