How Small Business Owners can Save Time on Social Media marketing.

Social media marketing can be time-consuming for small business owners juggling multiple tasks.

While social media is essential for reaching and engaging with customers, finding the time to create high-quality content and manage social media accounts consistently can be challenging.

Here are some ways to save time while still achieving your marketing goals. 

  1. Plan and schedule your content in advance - One of the biggest time savers in social media marketing is planning and scheduling your content. Use a social media management tool like MetaBusiness Suite, Buffer, or Plann to schedule your posts for the week or month. This way, you can focus on other tasks without worrying about posting on social media every day.

  2. Repurpose content - Another time-saving technique is to repurpose your content across different social media platforms. For example, you can use the same blog post to create multiple social media posts, graphics, and videos. This way, you don't have to create new content whenever you post on social media.

  3. Create social media post templates - Use online graphic design programs to create branded and styled social media posts that you can use as a base for your social media graphics and videos. This will save time and ensure that you stay on brand. If you are using pre-created templates available on Canva, be used to customize them for your brand. GRWE members have access to numerous unique Canva templates.

  4. Focus on the right social media channels - Don't waste your time on social media platforms irrelevant to your business. Instead, focus on the channels where your target audience is most active. This will give you more time to create quality content for those platforms and engage with your audience.

  5. Outsource your social media marketing - If you need more time or expertise to manage your social media marketing, consider outsourcing it to a professional. A social media manager can help you create and execute a social media strategy, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.

These tips can help small business owners save time on social media marketing and achieve their marketing goals. Remember to prioritize your tasks, focus on the right platforms, and automate as much as possible.  

How do you find the time to stay up-to-date on the latest social media trends?

Social media platforms are constantly evolving, and small business owners must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithms to ensure their target audience sees their content. This can be overwhelming for small business owners who don't have the time or resources to keep up with the latest changes.

GRWE - Get Ready with Entrepreneurs - is a group of like-minded entrepreneurs interested in sharing ideas and best practices. We meet weekly to discuss various digital marketing, social media, and entrepreneurship topics. It provides a chance to learn, support each other, and network. These are free for anyone to join. Also, through the GRWE member portal, there are a variety of resources, including recorded sessions, templates, blogs, a community directory and more!

Learn more about GRWE here >


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