5 Tips on Creating a Successful Rebrand

5 tips on creating a successful rebrand - acorn marketing

A rebrand is not something to take lightly. It is a process that must be done with careful consideration and serious thought. Your brand is the face of your business and who you are. 

Rebranding is an opportunity for you to take what you have already built and then give it a new look. Now, a rebrand doesn’t mean that you are changing your business mission. There many reasons why businesses and entrepreneurs go through a rebrand; some include the following:

  • Adding a service(s);

  • wanting a new look, i.e. the previous brand fell out of style;

  • a way to provide a more efficient experience for your clients;

  • merging two companies, i.e. gain a new business partner; 

  • and more…

Some rebrands are successful, and some are not successful. Based on many years of experience working for companies that went through rebranding exercises, and then working as a graphic designer to assist entrepreneurs with their rebranding, here are five essential tips on how to create a successful rebrand:

01. Invest in a professional

Hiring a professional will help save you time and get you to your goals faster so you can start making money. Going through a rebrand is a lot of work, especially if you have existing clients that you are currently managing.

You don’t have to do all the work yourself that could potentially cause you more headache. It is always best to work with a designer or a branding strategist who understands the rebranding process.

02. Focus on your ‘WHY.’

Never forget why you initially started your business. Why did you build your brand the way you did? Always keep your ideal client in mind. Who are you here to serve?

If you lose track of your ‘why’, your brand might get lost in the transition. You run the risk of your future or current clients becoming confused. 

03. Avoid comparison

It is hard not to compare yourself to your competitors, we all do it. But take into consideration that one person might have been working with their brand for years when you might just be starting out.

Keep in mind that if you are constantly comparing yourself to another, while making changes to your brand that matches trends that they follow, your brand might start looking like your competitors, which is not going to be helpful to you down the road. 

It is always good to keep a close eye on your business neighbour, but it is never good to copy their exact branding strategy. Your branding strategy should be unique to your goals and visions. 

04. Put the pencil down

When you have completed all the necessary steps and processes of your rebrand, put down the pencil and let it soak in. Like most people, you are going to want to keep making small changes to things you have already adjusted. 

Instead of going back, take a moment to let the work you and your designer put into place run its course for a time. You might see what is working and what might not be working. But for you to start generating results, you first have to wait and observe. 

05. Embrace your new brand

You are done! Take the time to embrace your new-found look. Share your rebrand on social media, share it with your readers and visitors, and send out an email blast with your new featured look. Take this time to tell your followers why you decided to rebrand, and reshare who you are, your mission, and why you love doing what you do. 

Going through a rebrand is never easy. Take your time, work with your designer and make sure that your new brand speaks to your audience in a way that can showcase your true passions.


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