How to Write a Case Study

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Case studies are an effective way to build your brand authority as a B2B company or consultant. A case study provides information on how your product or service can solve a problem for your clients. Demonstrating the work you can do, lets other people see how they could experience similar success when working with yourself or your company.

Background: Company

The company background is the starting paragraph which introduces your client; client's company name, owners or project manager, project partners, location, and about the company. 

Challenge: Situational Analysis

What is the problem that the client needed to solve? Give a background of the situation. What effect did this challenge have on the client and, or their organization - financial, operations, people, etc.? Did they try a different solution before reaching out to you? What were the results? 

Solution: The Result

Following the challenge(s) your client faced, describe the solution you provided. Include what recommendations you made to help them solve their problem. What services or products did they purchase? Provide a brief description of the project, including timeline and any challenges that you overcame during the project. Explain the results of the project and what the expected benefits the client would receive. How did they find you? Why did they purchase from you? What was your client's experience - did you meet their expectations?

Ask for a testimonial! A personal quote from the owner of the business or the project manager provides valuable insight to anyone viewing the case study.

Here are some extra tips on how to post, share and promote your case study to successfully build awareness of the services you provide and your reputation as an industry leader.

  • Always ask permission before sharing client information, including a case study.

  • Post it as a blog on your company website, and include:

    • Photos in the case study. Before & after images work well.

    • Hyperlinks (external) where viewers can learn more, e.g. client company website, location, etc.

    • Hyperlinks (internal) to the products/services on your website, related case studies or articles

  • Turn your case study into a video, upload it to YouTube & embed the link on the blog post.

  • Share the post on social media - LinkedIn company page, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

  • When posting on social media, @mention the client's company pages, client, internal team members, or project members.

  • Create a .PDF of the case study to allow people to download and share to other decision-makers.

  • Share the link to the case study with potential clients with similar challenges. When emailing or direct messaging, including a personal message.

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Do you have a successful project or case study that you would like to write or promote? Contact us for a free consultation to see if we can help!


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