Celebrate International Puppy Day: In the office or working from home

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Research shows that dogs in the workplace help to combat stress and improve productivity. If you are considering providing a dog-friendly work environment, perhaps have a trial during International Puppy Day, which takes the place the last week in August!

Here are some tips to prepare for a successful international Puppy Day while at the office or working from home.

  • Ask all your employees how they feel about it - If there is an employee that has concerns, such as allergies or phobias, perhaps offer them alternative work arrangements that day. Maybe offer them a specific area of the office where it is 'dog-free', and they can work.  

  • Build excitement! - Get to know the furry-friends before they arrive. Share photos and information about these puppies before the event. For example, post printed photos on a staff bulletin board, or share digitally through a staff e-newsletter, intranet or digital screen in your common area. This will not only get your team excited about the day but also help you prepare and make any accommodations necessary to create a positive experience. For example, the age, personalities and level of training can help make other team members aware of what to expect in their work environment that day. 

  • Set clear expectations for your employees - Provide clear, written guidelines for your staff on;

    • where the dogs will be allowed to go

    • what allowances there will be for breaks to accommodate dogs needing to go outside

    • what will be acceptable levels of disruption, e.g. noise from barking, toys squeaking, etc.

    • how to manage cleaning up after their puppies throughout the day.

    • and the responsibilities employees will have for any damages or injuries.

  • Productivity - Help your day be productive while the furry friends are visiting. Schedule one-on-one walking meetings, reschedule any major meetings to another day, and if you have an open office environment dedicate a quiet room where people can make phone calls or have meetings with their clients.

  • Social Media - Capture the 'cuteness' of the day with photos and video! Have your social media manager on-point to document the memories of the day and share through your social media channels.  

If your team is working remotely from home, you can still celebrate International Puppy Day! 

Here are a few extra tips to help your team celebrate this event together.

  • Let your staff know that your company will be recognizing International Puppy Day. 

  • Get them to send in photos of their puppies at work.

  • Get your team to share stories on how their puppies support their health and well-being while working remotely.

  • Share tips among your team on how to stay productive while sharing a work-space with a furry companion.

  • Share some of these tips, photos, and stories on social media! Remember to always ask permission when sharing your team's personal pictures, videos and stories on company social media accounts.  


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