How Businesses can Promote Sustainability while Working Remotely.


Finding ways to communicate your sustainability initiatives to your customers, investors, and other key stakeholders can be challenging, especially when there are competing priorities and employees are working remotely. 

Sustainability initiatives are no longer just for larger organizations. Research shows that 86% of small to medium-sized businesses believe sustainability is essential and realize they have a vital role in advancing sustainability in Canada, and nearly two-thirds of North American consumers believe that brands should be sustainable or eco-friendly.  

It is now more critical than ever before to find creative ways to share your green story to encourage your employees to consider the environment and help promote your organization's sustainability efforts.

The following article is adapted from an article previously published on -
Creative Ways to Promote Sustainability [Infographic]  


When organizations commit to giving back to the environment through sustainability initiatives in their organization, it is essential to tell your green story. It helps attract and inform the right people to join you in your sustainability journey, including customers, partners, suppliers and investors. It helps them understand why they should be engaged with and support you and sustainability initiatives.  

With the advancement of technology, and many people working remotely, people are accessing and sharing information through digital channels such as email, websites or social media. Here are some ways to effectively communicate your sustainability story and reach the modern-day audience.

  • Create reports that are creative & engaging! 

    • It is more likely your investors, employees and customers will read your entire report if you add visuals to break up the text. A picture is worth a thousand words. Visuals, such as graphics, charts, videos, and gifs, are ways you can make your sustainability report more attractive.  

    • Consider interactive content on your website - read more

    • For a simple interactive infographic, you can create it using Canva

  • Incorporate your green story into your sales materials - digital brochures downloadable on your website

  • Certification badges - Apply certifications; when applicable, you have to all marketing materials to give credibility.  

  • Website 

    • If you are a small business, you may want a single webpage that includes your sustainability statement; here is ours

    • You may want several pages that tell your story for larger businesses and organizations, including your sustainability statement, news releases, success stories, and annual reports. 

  • Social media - share success stories, use hashtags #CSR Corporate Social Responsibility / #Sustainability 

  • Have your sustainability story as part of your corporate video! 

  • Word of Mouth - mention at networking events as part of your 'Our Story'.

  • Highlight the work your team is doing, such as volunteering for local 'green' projects.

  • Lead by example - business owners & CEOs should be examples for their employees on being an ambassador.

    • On their professional social media sites, such as LinkedIn, leaders can educate through thought leadership - sharing articles, joining groups, and commenting on relevant posts in their network.

    • Be available for comment for media,

    • Make sure you are engaged in the green office initiatives, e.g. recycling.

Read More: Set Up a Healthy and Productive Home Office

Do you need help promoting your sustainability initiatives?

If you are in charge of the sustainability program in your organization, talk with your marketing/communications department to find the best way to promote your green story. If you are a business owner, marketing director, or president of a small-medium sized business, contact a marketing/communications consultant who has experience promoting sustainability initiatives for any help you may need with your campaign.  

Some examples of how a marketing/communications consultant or agency may assist with the promotion of your environment initiatives may include:

  1. Designing Powerpoint presentations for investors or internal stakeholders

  2. Designing a report, including layout and graphics

  3. Creating an infographic

  4. Setting up website pages

  5. Writing a press release

  6. Social media posts - graphics, photography, video

  7. Video - success stories, annual report, interview with CEO

  8. Facilitation - lunch-n-learn, annual meetings, etc.


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