How eco-brands can tell their green story online

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As awareness of environmental and social issues spread, more consumers, especially Millennials, are choosing to purchase from eco-brands, which means business owners must develop an online brand that includes telling their green story.

To build a successful eco-brand, entrepreneurs must develop an online brand they must share their green story, but it must also build trust by being authentic, honest and transparent. They must understand their audience; what motivates them, their expectations and their purchase behaviours.  

With mobile technology growing, and more brands are selling online, eco-brands need to leverage digital channels to share their green story and engage with their audiences.

Use your website and social media to tell your green story and build your eco-brand.

On your website

Your website is a key place to tell your sustainability story. It is the one place people go to find everything they need to know about your brand and how to do business with you. There are many ways people will find your website, including online search, through social media, or from your business card. Make sure when people who are looking to do business with eco-friendly brands, land on your website, they have the information they need to help them make their purchase decision.  

About Us 

  • Vision, values, certifications

  • Team members - in your team bios consider including their visions of sustainability

Product Pages 

include the details of the product materials in the product description.

Sustainability Statement Page 

  • What are your environmental commitments and goals? 

  • What have you achieved?

  • Include in the product description why it is eco-friendly.   

  • Do you offer a service to help reduce, reuse, recycle?  

  • About your suppliers - what are their sustainability commitments?

  • Are you also supporting social well-being, such as donating to charities, diversity in hiring, volunteering?  


  • Lifestyle - general interest topics with green living tips, stories and news. Tourism, outdoor living, interior design, and food are some popular topics that can support general interest to be a resource for visitors to your website.

  • Products - your products - launch, reviews, how to use

  • Company News - Behind the scenes, team updates 'in the community', annual sustainability report.

  • Industry news - eco-community of businesses, specific news about what your industry is doing to support sustainability, new research

  • Events - Workshops, Buying Shows, Trade-Shows - that you are hosting, attending, or other consumer shows available your community.

  • Client news - profile their company, share how they are using your product or how you worked with them, give a shout-out to what they are doing in the community and their successes.

Social Media

As part of your social media strategy, include content topics that are relevant to your brand's story. Whether you are using Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, social media share information and connect with people that share the same interests.  

As an eco-brand, leverage these conversations to listen and engage with your audiences! Listen to understand the needs of your customers, what motivates them to purchase, why they are interested in eco-brands, and how you can provide them with value through your services or products. Then don't just sit back and watch, engage in conversations with your audience, so they know who you are.  

Here are some tips for sharing your eco-brand story on social media.

Follow hashtags that are eco-focused, such as #zerowaste and use them in your posts. People who follow these hashtags will see them in their news feed.

TIP: You don't need to know all the hashtags to get started. Most platforms offer suggestions that are similar to the hashtag you put in the search. For instance, on Instagram, when I search on the tag #zerowaste , it also shows me #zerowasteweek ! Now I know that Zero Waste Week is the first week in September because I clicked on the hashtag which brought up a list of those who mentioned it in their post last year and saw the date of their posts. NOW I am going to add that to my social media calendar to make sure I post during that week. Other sustainability-focused hashtags are #sustainability #sustainabilitymatters #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyliving #ecofriendlyproducts #ethicallymade

Share updates of your company's eco-journey!  The successes and challenges. People want to see that you are committed and honest about your sustainability goals. It makes your human and more relatable to them as they go through their eco-journey.  

TIPS: This might be the unveiling of your eco-commitment goals. If it is posted on your website, it is always good to share a link back to your website to boost traffic. Are your employees involved? Take photos with them doing some eco-activities, such as recycling, composting, installing new LED lights, or putting out the first paper straws for cafe patrons.

Support your clients in their eco-journey!  Like and comment on their posts. Offer tips if you can help with one of their challenges, and give them thumbs-up/likes/and shout-outs when they share some good news.

With the growth in the eco-friendly market, entrepreneurs who want to build an eco-brand are often able to develop a competitive advantage in a socially conscious way. One study showed that 65% of consumers say they like the idea of purchasing from eco-friendly brands. There are still quite a few people who hesitate to buy eco-friendly products, which means there is still work to be done.

To successfully build an eco-brand, starts with a choice, then a plan, commitment and time.

Choose the right product, operate sustainably and then put effective marketing strategies in place to tell your green story. Remember, it is a journey, not a sprint! 


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