6 Ways to Find your Social Media Voice

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Your voice sets the tone and feel of the words you use to communicate when you are on social media. Think about what words you use daily; are you trendy, funny, professional? Your style is what will come across to your audience. Not only is your voice going to help you target the right people, but it's also going to help you with your social media content planning process. 

Here are some fun questions to think about when defining your voice

1.If your brand was a person, what kind of personality would they have?

Describe how they dress, what kind of friends do they hang out with, what do they do during their spare time? Knowing this will not only help you develop your voice but also your personality, which will help to define your perfect audience. 

By essentially creating an avatar to act as your brand, you will be able to characterize your social media content. Think of this person as the one speaking from your post. 

2.Tell me what your most loyal customer would say about your brand and service and why they would say that.

You know when people are always saying, "put yourself in someone else's shoes"? Put yourself in the position of your customer and try to understand how they feel when they go through your service process. Are they going to say that they had a professional experience, or will they say it was fun and casual? Also, think about how you are going to sound when you speak to that client/customer, what tone of voice will you be using? Are you going to be trendy and use casual lingo, or will you speak with more of a mature vocabulary?

3.How do you want new customers to think about your business?

I want you to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has just landed on your social media profile. You check out their Bio/About section. Then you take a look at their news feed; scrolling for a couple of seconds. How do you feel about this experience? Do you like the items you see? Do you want to click on the pictures to read the comments? Do you want to click on the hyperlink to check out their website?

What would be the process that someone would go through when they land on your profile? Make sure that your profile fits the right personality of your target audience to make them want to go and look for more of you, which to lead to sales eventually.

4.Describe what your company's personality is not and why.

Sometimes it can be hard to identify what you are, so why not work backwards and list your business is not. Think about how you communicate with your clients, maybe you want to make sure that you aren't overly professional because you want them to feel comfortable. Or, perhaps you don't want to come off as casual because you want them to understand you mean business. 

Think of it as creating a rule book and setting guidelines that you or other people who work with/for you to refer back on. These rules are going to be significant when you establish your structure for your social media strategy. It will help you fine-tune a lot of your content and wording to ensure you are following all of your guidelines correctly, and staying on the right path. 

5.Are there any companies that have a similar personality to yours?

RESEARCH! RESEARCH! RESEARCH! You should always be looking out for your competition and asking yourself how you can be better. Do some digging to see if there are any businesses out there doing what you do. Some things to look for and questions to ask yourself while you are doing your research:

  • Is there anything that your competitors are doing that is working for them?

  • What is it that you can offer your customers that they aren't?

  • How long have they been doing what they do?

  • Do they have a compelling backstory?

  • If you were a customer, what kinds of things would you like to see from that company?How can you better compare yourself to them?

It's important to know who your neighbour is, not only to make sure you aren't copying them but to remember that you need to find out how you are going to make sure that your ideal client is going to pick your brand instead of the next. 

6.List 2 major traits that will help separate your brand from the rest on social media.

After you do all your research and plan out how you want to sound to your new clients, pick two major traits that you want to be known for. Listed below are three examples of established businesses and picked out are their two most obvious traits.

When thinking about your traits, these are going to be the thing you want people to notice right away. If you're going to be colourful and fun, but you're only posting dark office pictures, your audience isn't going to see a colourful and fun style.

During your social media planning process, always keep in mind these important traits and ask yourself if this reflects well towards them. If they don't, rethink it.

Take these points one step at a time. Use these six points to help develop your social media voice while also establishing your social media strategy. Always keep them in mind when you are planning your content and engaging with your audience to keep yourself on a consistent path.


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