5 Instagram Content Marketing Trends

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Everyone thinks that it's SO hard to make it big on Instagram because there are so many users. You are right, many people are using this platform, but not everyone is doing it right. Here are the content marketing trends to help you do it, and do it right.

Instagram is growing and learning at the same time. It keeps track of who is making an impact, and who is not. 

Below I have listed five Instagram content marketing trends that are being used by some of the biggest names out there. Some of these trends are new, and some have been around a while. You just may not have noticed them before. By implementing these trends into your content marketing strategy, you are on your way to the front line. 


A picture is one thing, but a video is always going to be better! Videos let you do so much more! You can showcase a product, tell a story, add fun music, interview a client, and more.

Let's put it this way. You want your viewers to stay focused on your post of as long as possible. By using video, people are more likely to keep watching until the end. By only having an image, you are very limited on the amount of time one will remain on that image. People like things that are pretty and moving!

2.Strive for engagement

Remember when the only thing that mattered was what got people's attention and the number of followers you had? It was all about how big that number was that made you look more important than the rest. 

It's not that simple anymore.

Today's Instagram algorithm wants to see MORE of what you can bring to the table. Instagram wants to know that you deliver quality to the platform instead of quantity. They want you to focus on how many people you can get to engage with your latest post, which means you need people liking AND commenting.

When you post something to Instagram, the algorithm will give that post 30 min to start bringing in results. If that post is bringing in comments, shares, and likes, your post will be at a higher priority and will most likely get seen by more people. On the other hand, if your post is just sitting there, then it will travel to the bottom of everyone's feed.

TIP: When planning your Instagram content, design for engagement. You want people commenting on everything you post.


Stock images are always pretty and perfect, but we all know that it's not real. There is no way that your desk is that organized, or your kitchen is that picture-perfect when you have three young kids.

People want to see the real thing. They want to know what is going on in your life right now. Pretty pictures are fun, but your audience needs something they can relate to. For me, I can't identify with someone who shows a photo of their perfectly organized closet. Authenticity is becoming one of the biggest trends of the new year. Show me what aptly makes you, YOU, and what makes up your business. Let's see the mess, the stress and all the craziness that fits in-between. 

4.User-generated content

How are you going to get the attention of your viewers? How are they going to know that your product or service works? User-generated content is the best way to showcase accurate results. If your users are sharing your product or talking about it on social, re-share their stories and posts*. Not only are you going to make them feel good by sharing their posts, but that is FREE content! Take advantage of other people's experiences with you and use that to help promote yourself.

*Keep in mind that it is best to ask permission before sharing other people's content. See Instagram Community Guidelines for details.


Next to authenticity, having something personal about you shown on your Instagram will go a long way. I know you want to sell your products and your services, but that can't be everything that you advertise. 

People want to see more than that! They want to know your story, such as how you started, your involvement with the community, and more. What makes your products/services different from the person next to you? Remember when we talked about showing something that other people can relate to? The same goes for this. By sharing something personal about your brand, you are now allowing your viewers to connect with you and dig deeper into your story and vision. 

FACT: When I buy from a business, the first thing I do is learn their story. If it is compelling enough, then I will purchase their product. It also gives me something to tell people when, for example, if they like the shirt that I'm wearing, I can say that I bought it from a company that plants trees out west. 

I know what you're thinking, why didn't I think of this before? We all get so caught up in the glam and the beautiful lights, that we forget that it's so much more than that. Being real on your social is important, and if you do it, it will take you to so some exceptional places. 

So give it a try! Focus on these five trends when planning your Instagram strategy for the next month and see how you do. 


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